Shivshankar Baba, who was booked under the PoCSo Act for sexually harassing students at his school, was being treated at a private medical hospital in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, for chest pain. The investigation was transferred to the CBCID and he escaped from there when the CBCID personal police went to Dehradun for interrogation. The CBCID is conducting a personal search to find out whether the fugitive Sivashankar Baba is hiding in the ashrams. Sushil Hari School is a private international boarding school near Kelambakkam in Chengalpattu district. Sivasankar is the administrator of this school. He calls himself Sivashankar Baba because he claims to be the incarnation of Krishna and the living God and gives blessings to the people. In this case, the alumni who attended the school a few days ago accused him of sexual harassment. Subsequently, based on the students' complaint, the Tamil Nadu Child Rights Protection Commission and the police conducted an inspection at the private sc...
at the Ferenc Puskas Stadium in Budapest. Ronaldo met with reporters before this important match. When Ronaldo came to the press conference with coach Fernando Santos, two bottles of Coca-Cola were placed in front of Ronaldo. When Ronaldo saw it, he picked them up and placed them on the edge of the table, unnoticed by the camera. And instead he threw a bottle of water in front of everyone and said ‘drink water’. This video went viral around the world in an instant. It is not uncommon for one of the world's greatest athletes to throw Coca-Cola aside. As a result, the company lost Rs 29,337 crore.
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